Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard 2010 or how I spent my Birthday!

Saturday morning on my birthday.....needless to say I stayed home, Pittsburgh got 2 feet of snow.
Standing in my driveway....

Thats all the further I could open my front door......Spring is just around the corner right?


  1. No, no, no, this is just wrong. Not the way to spend your birthday. Or anyone's birthday for that matter! I hope it was still a happy one, though!


  2. That sure is a grim way to spend a birthday my friend. Hope it's thawed a bit now. We've had it quite bad over here in the UK, on severak occasions, due again later this week but hopefully it should just be a thin layer this time. Fingers crossed for the arrival of spring;)Belated birthday greetings Brian:)
